This image is a screenshot showing a Verification message from LinkedIn. It states: Identity Verified by CLEAR using government ID less than three months ago. Learn how members verify information.

LinkedIn Feature Spotlight: Identity Verification

linkedin feature spotlight profile tips Oct 22, 2023

To verify or not to verify? Due to several reasons that we won’t go into here, this is a question many X (formerly known as Twitter) users have considered over the past year. But for those of us who prefer to spend our social media time on LinkedIn, this question is much simpler.  

LinkedIn, which recognizes that credibility is key for professional networking, has taken a unique and commendable approach to this question with its verification feature.

Unlike other platforms that attempt to manage verification in-house, LinkedIn smartly collaborates with third-party platforms that are experts in identity verification. This strategic decision underscores LinkedIn's commitment to ensuring that the verification process is not only rigorous but also backed by specialists in the field. Such partnerships ensure that the verification process is thorough, accurate, and trustworthy for its members.

Another difference in LinkedIn's approach is the cost – or lack thereof. While X (formerly known as Twitter…) currently charges users for verification, LinkedIn offers this feature for free and is looking for ways to meaningfully expand verification options to users (e.g. its workplace and educational institutions verifications). 

As this data from LinkedIn illustrates, the advantages of getting verified on LinkedIn are significant:

Increased Visibility: Verified profiles enjoy a whopping 60% boost in profile views. This can be a game-changer for professionals looking to expand their network, find new opportunities, or establish themselves as thought leaders in their fields.

Enhanced Engagement: Verified users see a 50% increase in comments and reactions on their posts. This level of engagement can elevate the visibility of their content, fostering valuable discussions and collaborations.

More Meaningful Connections: Verified members receive 30% more messages. These could be from potential employers, collaborators, or like-minded professionals looking to exchange ideas.

But why is verification necessary? For starters, it adds a layer of credibility to profiles, making it easier for users to trust the information presented. In an era where misinformation and bots are rampant, LinkedIn's verification process helps to sieve out fraudulent profiles, ensuring that interactions on the platform are genuine.

Moreover, LinkedIn's reputation as a congenial and professional platform is maintained and enhanced through this verification process. By reducing the number of bots and fake profiles, the platform ensures that genuine professionals can connect, collaborate, and communicate in a safe and transparent environment.

In conclusion, LinkedIn's verification feature stands out not just for its unique approach but also for the tangible benefits it offers to its users. Since launching 7 months ago, 18 million users have signed up, and LinkedIn aims to become the largest verified professional networking site in the world. As the platform continues to evolve, such features reinforce LinkedIn's commitment to maintaining its stature as the go-to professional networking site worldwide. So, if you're on LinkedIn and haven't verified your profile yet, now might be the time to consider it!

P.S. need help with this feature? Send us an email - [email protected]