The image shows three phases with question marks - Personal Brand, Thought Leadership, and Digital Reputation

Personal Branding Vs Digital Reputation

career progress personal branding Jan 22, 2024

I recently saw a poll on LinkedIn asking about preferences between using the phrases “Personal Branding” and “Digital Reputation.” 

As I looked at the poll and the corresponding comments, I was reminded that some terms we regularly use can make many of us a little uncomfortable. 

“Personal brand” is a great example of this. And I think “thought leadership” is another one. 

As a digital marketer for the last 13 years - many of which have included advising CEOs and executive teams, I’ve seen the rise of personal branding and thought leadership firsthand. And for the last several years, it’s been the focus of my business. 

While establishing expert authority online has become mandatory for leaders across industries, I’ve certainly met resistance. Some shy from intentionally promoting themselves or trying to shape external perception. Others associate self-branding too much with attention-seeking social media influencers they can't relate to.

However, in moderately public roles, executives and solopreneurs alike now have little option but to directly influence their own brands before others define impressions of them. Especially given the influence platforms like LinkedIn give professionals access to.

Rather than ego-driven marketing however, strategic personal brand building stems from a place of wanting your true expertise, values and impact accurately known. It's reputation management for the modern era.

Owning your narrative proactively with thoughtful positioning establishes trust and rapport with those you seek to serve at scale. Making intentional branding not about inflated self-image, but gift-sharing your voice and experiences respectfully.

There's power in reframing activities like thought leadership or personal brand building as service-oriented pursuits. The most resonant leaders today lead with vulnerability, humanity and compassion. Qualities technology can augment versus replace, if leveraged conscientiously.

How do you view personal branding and digital reputation? If you’ve struggled to start, what do you think is holding you back?  


At New Terra Digital, we understand that each person’s LinkedIn experience, goals, and current strategies are unique and offer strategy sessions where you lead the conversation. If you’d like to schedule a 30-minute session, you can do so here

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